Groendyke Ranch

Groendyke Ranch is located in Enid, Oklahoma. The ranch was started in the 1950's by Harold Groendyke and is currently ran by his son John D. Groendyke. The ranch is family owned, and although the Groendyke family has owned various large ranches throughout the state, their current headquarters are located north of Nash, in Grant county, Oklahoma.
Groendyke Ranch, managed by Paul Koffskey, is a large commercial cow/calf operation. Their cowherd is primarily black angus based using Hereford and Angus bulls. During the last two years they have incorporated the use of red angus genetics as well.
Groendyke ranch utilizes an intense AI protocol aimed specifically for creating high quality replacement heifers. Groendyke ranch is a performance based operation focused on detailed herd reporting. They DNA test all replacement females, and select herd sires from reputable seedstock producers who utilize all the latest cutting edge tools at their disposal.
Groendyke ranches currently operate in 3 counties- Grant (main) Garfield, and Alfalfa. The Groendyke family owns Groendyke Transport Inc., one of the largest liquid bulk transporters in the country operating in all of USA, Canada and Mexico, with corporate
offices in Enid, Oklahoma.
2010: Bill Jacobs
2011: Jamison Ranch
2012: Lenhard Johnston
2013: Ratcliff Ranches
2014: MASC LLC, Ranch
2015: Bowling Ranch
2016: Ledbetter & Son LLC
2017: Charles & Nancy Buckminster
2018: Sparks Ranch
2019: Kroos Farms
2020: 4B Herefords
2021: Buford Ranches
2022: Jamison Herefords
2023: Stuart Ranches